my resum
When the theaters were reopened, Shakespeare did not have actors, but after little time,but he wrote his best works, and with this works he opened a new dramatic style of theater.Two years later, his son died, which coincided with a change in the social area, since the government only authorized the child functions.A year afterwards, they had to give up his theater, and constructed one again in the other side of the Tamesis, with the same woods than the ancientantique one.When the kingqueen of England died, the king acquired the company of Shakespeare.The last work of futile Shakespeare him "the storm" with which he withdrew of the theater.
:the class resum:
With the reopening of the theater in 1594 Shakespeare the vompanya of lord Chamberlain who was a cousin of the queen is associated he joined to the colleaguepartner of lord Admiral. He is the great opportunity for Shakespeare: in little more than two years he will write:Rome i Juliet, the dream of a night of summer, Ricard II, the merchant of Venice, the amanimant of the fury.The government only authorizes the child representations, but these end up having a tone critic still more corrosive than those of the adults.Shakespeare criticizes this environment in one of the most extensive dramas that, Enric IV, a work played the lead in by the sarcastic and desanfedat Falstaff (a character that Shakespeare retrieves in The Cheerful waterfalls of Windsor), writes.Three works have the paperrole of boys as determined young protagonists that, for lack of sensible men, they adopt: a lot of noise for nothing, in your taste and night of kingsThe 1597 obligatory for the owner of the terrain in abandoner the theatre the men of Lord Chamberlain they see themselves forced to acting in the curtain.The night of Christmas of 1958, d'amagat, they take away wood I they move ithim on the other bandside of the Tàmesi where goes construer the globe.The translation that Thomas North had just made from Plutarc facilitates ithimher the necessary historic material to throw endevant his new project placing ither in Rome.